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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Totally as expected

You may have noticed that I've been away.  I was in Calgary with my sister and her family and my other sister's family.  It was lovely there, but believe it or not, I had trouble with my electronics, which means " .Yes, I took photos, Yes, I intend to share them, and Yes, I have no idea where they are."

I can tell you I have no photos of the Calgary Stampede.  I've been to the Stampede five times in my life and the fact that the last time I went was 61 years ago held no sway.

I have photos of my sister's wonderful welcoming beautiful yard/garden which I loved from the moment I went out there because I knew it was the yard/garden my mother would have had, all things being equal.  I have photos of my family and their families and photos of me with Alberta Photo Opportunities.

I also have every intention of making myself crazy until I succeed in downloading those photos to the right place as soon as I find them.  In the interim:
from the Calgary Stampede Stories


  1. We went down to the Calgary Stampede a few years ago and had a great time! I hope you find your photos. Yeehaw, as they say in Cow Town.

  2. You have such adventures with your photos. :)

  3. Pressure's on now to find those photos. Your loving other fraction

  4. Looking forward to the pics (and stories!) ...

  5. I've lived in Alberta for 35 years and have never been to stampede.
    I hope you find the pics! I can't wait to see your sisters' yard!
