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Sunday 6 March 2011


There is nothing quite like making new friends.  I loved it as a kid, which was a good thing because we always seemed to be on the move.  I loved it as a teenager but only briefly each time, which in most cases, was probably wise as I was often drawn to the wrong people.  As a young adult, married to a serviceman, I loved making new friends for the same reason as when I was a kid.

Now, making new friends is very often a mutual experience for me and Dave.

Tonight we had friends for dinner.  The two couples had never met before, although there had been telephone stuff and and we had a head start because of our mutual volunteer work.  It really was a joy to see how easily the four of us got along, although in my case, some of the ease came from being gifted with a huge and beauteous bouquet.  I shared the gifting with Dave, but in fairness, I'd have to say that he was neutral about it, except when he got diverted watching me wrestling with the cellophane they came wrapped in.  Cellophane is an invention of the devil, designed to look fragile, but tough as old boots, or some of my dinners.

Dave shared the cooking with me.  He made a great potato casserole, with the potato peel still in it, together with green onions and other decadent things; and he stepped into his role as the Dessert King with his usual verve and enthusiasm.

And what was the deal with the big kick we got out of demonstrating all the condo-specific things we've done---making sure things serve two purposes, converting an entertainment centre into Dave's office, magically making a table for six out of a sofa table.  We were just like newlyweds showing off their new home.  For the record, we've been married for 32 years, and in this place for 3.  

So, based on tonight's success, I have vowed to make new friends every Saturday, so if you're not related to me, you can sign up.  Bring pizza---this cooking thing is exhausting.


  1. Every Saturday is a heckuva schedule, but pizza will help make it easier.

  2. signing up and definitely bringing pizza!

  3. Maybe every Saturday is a stretch, but I do envy your enthusiasm about entertaining. As I've grown older (though I have a LOT of company who stays here), meal making like you describe only happens on major holidays. Part of it is living alone, too, I think.

  4. That's just fabulous.
    There's almost no better feeling than creating usefulness in limited space!
