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Friday, 26 November 2010

Pass the Dessert please

Because of, or in spite of, the fact that yesterday was American Thanksgiving Day, our Thursday  seemed totally focussed on food.  Breakfast was not to be, although coffee and a tea biscuit from Tim's tried valiantly.  Lunch was spent with Sri Lankan friends at their home, where generosity and various uses of exotic spices came together to almost do me in.  Dinner at Milestones with our Victoria/Toronto family featured an amazing artichoke dip and other starters that left us unable to even think about main courses.  I did think about latté though.  I'm almost sure the day included things not involving food, but damned if I can call them to mind.


  1. I am sitting here very relaxed on a non-babysitting, Friday morn, enjoying coffee, muffins and blogs.

  2. We chose a low key, non stressful Thanksgiving dinner by going to our Senior Center which offered a dinner for $5/person. Three of us went and left $20. The Senior Center offers a wide variety of services included a Meals on Wheels program for shut-in seniors who meet certain qualifications. My husband used to deliver to the meals. The centers funding has been cut from every angle. The meal was mediocre but we felt like we contributed to making life less miserable in the future.

    I carried half my meal home which was finished off by my husband for supper. Neither of us feel deprived of the overstuffed feeling we usually have.

    Today is Black Friday shopping in USA. We are giving what I usually unwisely spent on that day in yesteryear, to several needy causes.
