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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

A very specific thing to be moany about.

I have an injury.  Just because I reached out to a frypan yesterday.  I should have been reaching out for the handle, but for some reason---maybe dotage---I grabbed the part between the handle and the pan and now i have a swollen, sore burny place on my index finger.  It causes me to flinch every time I type y,u,j,m,n,h.  It makes crocheting really hard, when I only found it moderately hard before.  It is the reason my right hand looks bigger than my left, and the very excuse I needed not to wear that gorgeous but uncomfortable knuckle-spanning 4 inch long ring I discovered in the Byward Market.

Yay!, I think.


  1. Ah, I see that you are someone who actually knows how to type. I'm a four finger guy -- with plenty of typos.

  2. A few months ago, I closed the garage door on my finger and required 12 stitches. I thought it was just garden variety stupidity but now realize it was actually dotage, a term I hadn't heard before but will now be using to impress my friends.

  3. Ouch!!
    I'm sorry to hear that! Burns hurt!!
    I hope it feels better soon and that you'll be able to type again,
    without pain!

  4. Poor chicky. Hope you have an aloe vera plant handy.

  5. Owwwwwwwwwwwwww Been there; done that and yeah, pain hurts!!! Heal quickly!!!

  6. Ouch!! healing thoughts/heal fast!

  7. Ah. Let granny Fran kiss your owie and make it better. I like the part about why you can't wear your kick-ass ring.

  8. Oh--I forgot to mention that I love your new design and profile picture.
