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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Customer Saaaaaatisfaction!

Dear Makers of Kobo eReaders:

First, allow me to thank you for the 100 pre-programmed books included with my reader---although I swear I love the classics, I was surprised to find that there are many, including Mein Kampf which I have not yet read.

Secondly, let me congratulate you on your eReader User Guide.  As soon as I finish my online course at MIT, I'll start to profit from it.  In the interim, I'll get one of my grandchildren to help me.

I am ecstatic at the opportunity to borrow e-books from my local public library to read on my eReader, as I feel obliged to get the most for my absolutely free library card.  Some of your books are free also, for which I thank you, although I do wish there weren't so many Harlequin Romances.  Don't you think that might make me feel as though you're underestimating me?

Your customer service was a delight, even though it took two calls to get my problem solved---it's just that being asked to reset my Reader to its factory condition seemed WAY extreme to me, especially since the agent told me I'd lose all my books, but forgot to mention that they'd stay safely on my desktop.

I would have liked it better if you had devised a not-clunky keyboard, but if you did I'd be tempted to go to your lovely Store more often than I am when I have to find my way around a keyboard using up, down, left and right arrows on the keypad.  However, your lovely quilted back and lightness of being almost make up for that.

Most of all though, I want to thank you for the sophisticated cachet you give me when I open my purple faux-leather Roots case and take the eReader out at a bar.  It never fails to attract inquiries from both inebriated and sober folk.  Actually, it does the same thing on the bus, but it's not quite so pleasant then, and it's hard to feel sophisticated when you only have 18 inches of seat space.  And of course there's no wine.


  1. i'm jealous, i think. i'm such a slow reader that i think i'm fine with books and i still like holdin em, etc. tho i did get over that album thing, didn't i. but i want an ipad instead, cause that i can use the pretense of using for reading while i'm really surfin the net ( & visiting u!).

  2. Well said!

    I've yet to visit to see what they have for the Kobo.

  3. It seems pretty extreme to have to reset to factory settings in order to load books purchased. Oh well. At least it's been all figured out. :)

  4. Thesha got one for Christmas. I haven't asked her how it's going, but I haven't heard her complain -- yet. Google is also supposed to have about a trillion free books -- soon anyway.

  5. Really funny and enjoyable since I have a Kindle. I downloaded 10 books (I think) but due to the magic of digital world, I have an account with all the same listed on Amazon, I can return to if I somehow lose something. Currently I am reading a classie, Joan Eyre-nearly through. the First book was a translation of Greek and several languages I did not know existed, entitled the Church from Christ to Eusebius. It is ten books in one. Don't download that one. I had to use the dictionary every 10 words, and sometimes there was no definition. I also read a Max Lucado book, Imagine A Life without Fear, three times. Guess I have read 13, soon to be 14 books. I have little time, but fixing to be with out my main two computers, so may do a LOT of reading.

  6. Scott is going to ask me what I want for my birthday this month. I just know it. Maybe I should ask for one of these e-readers ... hm......

  7. Thanks for the review! I am a luddite in that I don't want one of these contraptions. I am a real book kind of gal and I would really resent that someone would presume that I would want Harlequin romances.

    That said, I read every night before I go to sleep. Somehow I don't think areader sounds like it would work for that activity.

  8. So far I've held out on these readers as I love the feel of pages in my hands, but I remember when I said I would never use an answering machine.

    All I know is that it would be one piece of technology to learn, which is what you describe so well.
