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Friday 16 September 2011

Wherein I seek your advice

Tomorrow, my sparkly sneakers get another outing---this time at the Peterborough Pride Parade.  The last time I wore them to walk in a Pride Parade, they let me down, but I've been working on rehabilitating them, and they're ready.  If only I could rehabilitate my legs as easily.

I've been having trouble with my various motor skills for months now, and, after all manner of tests,  have arrived at a place where my doctor thinks I may have fibromyalgia.  He's working on eliminating other possibilities as there's no testing for fibromyalgia apparently.

Some of the things I can no longer do, but think I should still be able to:

  • jaywalk while a car is in the same block as me
  • retreive MegaBlox from under the couch (without a partner)
  • stand up while putting on my shoes
  • carry the only carriable granddaughter for longer than a few minutes
  • cross my legs without the help of my increasingly unwilling hands
  • get out of bed in one motion, although my bedhead is as good as always
  • rise gracefully from any sort of chair, sofa or bench
  • sit gracefully on any of those
  • fasten my own or anyone else's bracelets
  • jump for joy
  • be detected as drunk just by seeing me walk (haven't used this so far, but it is tempting)
  • keep from lurching into my daughters when we walk together (they claim I was never able to)
  • anything from The Joy of Sex
  • dance till dawn

I'm kind of angry about all that, but at the same time, I've told so many people, so often, how strong and healthy I am, that I'm going to have to hide the anger and concentrate on things that don't take strong limbs.  Any suggestions?


  1. Have you thought about starting to read? and write?

    Oh ... nevermind ...

  2. You still have your beautiful mind.

  3. Keep thinking of yourself as strong and healthy, no matter what. But then totally indulge yourself when you have to take it easier than you're used to. Somehow I just know that you'll take any situation and see the humour in it, so as long as you're still writing, all's well in the blogging world!

  4. mind over matter… i think u can still do most of the stuff on that list. but joking aside, a doctor told me that fibromyalgia was a "diagnosis of exclusion", in other words if they don't know what's wrong with you, that's the label. sorry this prob. doesn't help much; but take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning. sorry too much wine, hey maybe more wine is the answer.
    carry on, i think u r just wonderful!
