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Friday 29 November 2013

Big Set-up

This is what is facing me from my desk when I sit here at the laptop; from left, two pencil boxes, the bottom one made by Bruce, the top from Julia, with business cards and a large fake diamond ring in case I suddenly need one; our duck lamp which has such a gorgeous glow I never turn it off; silvery balls for staring at or clutching or rolling or throwing at the kids; the amber vase that holds two bronze birds of paradise and the memo pad holder and pen that I use for the phone when I'm here.

What you can't see is the "Go Confidently in the Direction of your Dreams" press-on wall enhancer that is supposed to help me stay on track, the" Dictionnaire inutile....mais pratique" given me by a friend which reminds me that English is not the only language in which I struggle to make people smile or the glass coaster on which I sit my coffee or my wine glass while waiting for inspiration

It didn't come today.

1 comment:

  1. What you see from your computer seat is a whole lot more inspirational than what I see from mine.
